Adventures of Superman - The Complete Third and Fourth Seasons |

List Price: $39.98
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Avg. Customer Rating:   (based on 9 reviews)
Sales Rank: 10
Category: DVD
Authors: George Reeves, Jack Larson, Noel Neill
Publisher: Warner Home Video
Studio: Warner Home Video
Manufacturer: Warner Home Video
Label: Warner Home Video
Format: Box Set, Closed-captioned, Color, Subtitled, Ntsc
Languages: English (Original Language), French (Subtitled), Spanish (Subtitled)
Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Media: DVD
Running Time: 706 minutes
Number Of Items: 5
Shipping Weight (lbs): 0.7
Dimensions (in): 7.4 x 5.5 x 0.9
UPC: 012569763159
EAN: 0012569763159
Release Date: June 20, 2006 (New: This Week)
Theatrical Release Date: September 19, 1952
Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Editorial Reviews:
George Reeves returns as Superman (aka Clark Kent) in 26 episodes comprising Season 3 and Season 4 of the program that ran six seasons total. This time his exploits take him to stuffy European monarchy, a remote desert isle and even a cave in the year 50,000 BC. And now for the first time the Man of Steel's exciting flights, fights, and super heroics are presented in color!
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Customer Reviews: Read 4 more reviews...
  Warner Bros. Shames Classic Superman June 21, 2006
5 out of 8 found this review helpful
I just read a newly posted review by a fellow "Adventures of Superman" fan who pointed out that the opening intros are in poor shape. I certainly agree with him, however, I share his excitement and enthusiasm to see this classic series continuing to be released on DVD. My memories of this show are tremendous and heartfelt. But I must disagree with my fellow fan in the sense that I feel strongly that Warner Bros. did the series a huge injustice.
In my opinion Warner Bros. totally skimped on giving these color episodes a proper restoration job. Would it have been so difficult to restore the opening introduction? The opening intro is lifted straight off the reruns we've watched for years. If you notice the opening intro, all episodes read "1957" at the bottom. All episodes contain the same scratches, blemishes and specks. And as far as I can see, no restoration was done to the actual episodes.
It's disheartening, disappointing and saddening that Warner Bros. could not muster up the proper restoration that a truly classic television series like this deserves. Warner Bros. is simply treating this classic Superman as a cash cow and not the sacred cow it deserves to be considered. Oh yes; certainly the new "Superman Returns" movie is about to be released, but my faith IS NOT in Warner Bros; my faith is in Brian Singer. I trust he has done the right job for this new movie. Warner Bros. simply seems to be riding the hype of the new movie release and cashing in on anything "Superman".
As for Warner Bros. as a studio and a release company, I again only reiterate my disappointment in the recent release of the "Adventures of Superman" Seasons 3 & 4. Yes it's an old property, but the release deserved better. As it stands it is shoddy, shameful and far less than our long standing hero deserves. I've seen episodes on cable television that look to be of the same quality.
The same may be said for the release of "Superboy". Warner Bros. hasn't inmpressed anyone with the restoration quality to that series either. It wouldn't surpise me if that's the only season of that series we see released after the new "Superman Returns" hype is over.
As a last remark to Warner Brothers, please stop being so greedy with a gem of a property that you possess the rights to. Perhaps you people at the helm aren't old enough to remember this beloved classic series. Some of us are. And you greedy execs certainly dropped the ball. Give us the apology we deserve and at the very least please label this release as UNRESTORED.
I don't wish to deter fans of this wonderful series. My remarks are not intended against the series. It is still wonderful and will remain so. I'm just so disappointed with Warner Bros' treatment of the release. Don't avoid buying it. Cherish it! But if you agree with me, please voice your disappointment to the studio. George DESERVES much better.
4 stars for Seasons 3 & 4 of the series. Not for the quality of the release.
  WOW! June 21, 2006
4 out of 5 found this review helpful
Superman in COLOR!
I just received my copy of season 3 in the mail and have been a couch potato most of the day as I sat watching episode after episode.
The first thing I noticed is that the famous "intro" we all know doesn't appear to be "cleaned up" by Warner Brothers. By that I mean they're chock full of specks and film scratches, looking pretty bad overall. For a minute, I thought I was in for a day of watching terrible transfers of each episode.
That is, until the actual episode started. WOW! Talk about great looking! I remember seeing some of these color episodes when they were let out of the vaults to play on TV long after they were originally made (in the 50's they were ONLY broadcast in black-and-white). But seeing the transfer placed on these DVDs is like watching all new episodes! Not only is the color excellent, but seeing the ENTIRE episode again (instead of those heavily edited versions we'd all watch in later years on commercial television) was a huge plus as well! I can only praise the great job Warner did here.
Sure, the episodes aren't as serious as the first season, but they definitely are enjoyable nonetheless. I especially enjoy the humor as Clark/Superman would quip some comment about his alter-identity to the others at the end of most episodes. The other characters in the series may have been "dumb to the world", but WE all knew what he was hinting at, DIDN'T we?
And even though you'd THINK seeing the "flubs" on screen in these replays would make watching the series less enjoyable; I actually ENJOY "catching what I missed seeing back then". One such example is when Superman puts the crook's heads between jail cell bars he bent with his bare hands. But watch when he places one of the guys into that newly opened area. The guy's shoulders slam into the bars and the bars bend just as easily from the force of his shoulders hitting them! Obviously, in reality, the guy would have had 2 broken shoulder blades!
There are some great documentaries included on disc 5 as well, including my favorite of the bunch, the one covering the special effects on the TV series. Little did I know that George Reeves loved crashing through those walls! And you have to hand it to George for those fantastic take offs and landings (especially back in through those windows). They've never been done better! Even in the movies!
I've purchased all three volumes to date and will definitely be purchasing volume 4 when it's ready for release as well.
Here's to the BEST SUPERMAN there ever was: GEORGE REEVES!
  Superman is just super June 18, 2006
5 out of 7 found this review helpful
This is just a fun series to watch. It from a simpler time when bad guys were bad and the good guy was Superman. To those of us who grew up in the 50's and 60's George Reeves was Superman not the ones who came later. This is a chance to have your childhood reborn. How can the most powerful being on Earth ever lose? There is is suspense in these episodes. The earlier volumes are also great, but now watch the man of steel in color.
  Color correction critical for this release May 8, 2006
12 out of 21 found this review helpful
The color episodes I have seen from seasons three and four have always had severe color correction problems. Seasons one and two on DVD were restored with care, but much digital computer work will be needed if seasons three and four are going to be acceptable on DVD. Even on Nick at Nite, the colors on these episodes were off by a wide margin. This will be a FIVE STAR release if the colors are fixed, NO STARS if they are simply copied from existing film stock.
31 out of 39 found this review helpful
I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH I STILL LOVE WATCHING THIS SHOW - AFTER 50 YEARS [Robert Parisi wrote more of this than Heather Parisi who was not alive at the time of Superman {1951-1958}]
IN A NUTSHELL: My favorite TV show as a child 50 years ago
When these 2 DVD sets arrived in late January, I played a Superman marathon from start to finish which occurred only because the series is that good! The first season, which I recall though I have not seen the episodes for at least 40 years, has held up surprisingly well.
I still get a chill during the introduction as the announcer zips through the usual discourse of: "faster than a speeding bullet", "more powerful than a locomotive", "leaps tall buildings in a single bound", "can change the course of mighty rivers" etc.!
--------------- ***** SEASON 3-4 DVD SET BELOW ***** ---------------
I JUST ORDERED THE BOXED SET WHICH CONTAINS THESE TWO SEASONS [3-4], WHICH ALSO INCLUDES MY FAVORITE EPISODE: "THE BIG FREEZE" in Season 4. I will update this to comment on what I think of these last 2 seasons features and qualities after I finish my Superman marathon for seasons 3 and 4, which should be about 3-4 days after they arrive from their current pre-order [presumed to be late June 2006].
----- ***** - PLEASE NOTE: PROBABLY LIKE YOU, I WON'T BE GETTING THIS SET UNTIL AFTER THE JUNE 20TH SHIPPING DATE. This is a 1 DVD BOXED SET containing THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN Episodes 53-78. 53-65 is Season 3 [1954] and 66-78 is Season 4 [1955].
Season 3 of "THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN" - includes these episodes:
-----* "Through the Time Barrier"
-----* "The Talking Clue"
-----* "The Lucky Cat"
-----* "Superman Week"
-----* "Great Caesar's Ghost"
-----* "Test of a Warrior"
-----* "Olsen's Millions"
-----* "Clark Kent, Outlaw"
-----* "The Magic Necklace"
-----* "The Bully of Dry Gulch"
-----* "Flight to the North"
-----* "The Seven Souvenirs"
-----* "King For a Day"
Season 4 of "THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN" - includes these episodes: including my favorite - "THE BIG FREEZE"
-----* "Joey"
-----* "The Unlucky Number"
-----* "The Big Freeze"
-----* "Peril By Sea"
-----* "Topsy Turvy"
-----* "Jimmy the Kid"
-----* "The Girl Who Hired Superman"
-----* "The Wedding of Superman"
-----* "Dagger Island"
-----* "Blackmail"
-----* "The Deadly Rock"
-----* "The Phantom Ring"
-----* "The Jolly Roger"
-----* "Adventures of Superman: The Color Era"
-----* "Faster Than a Speeding Bullet: The Special Effects of Adventures of Superman"
-----* "Look, Up in the Sky": The Amazing Story of Superman
-***- PLEASE NOTE: There will be more comments about the season 3 and 4 DVD SET AFTER IT IS DELIVERED and I have fully digested the experience. Remember, this is one boxed DVD set containing the contents of season 3-4, [1954-1955] and contain 26 episodes in all, #53-#78 of the series.
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