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Ichi the Killer (Unrated Edition) |

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Avg. Customer Rating:   (based on 105 reviews)
Sales Rank: 2228
Category: DVD
Director: Takashi Miike
Publisher: Tokyo Shock
Studio: Tokyo Shock
Manufacturer: Tokyo Shock
Label: Tokyo Shock
Format: Color, Special Edition, Subtitled, Ntsc
Languages: Japanese (Original Language), English (Subtitled)
Rating: Unrated
Media: DVD
Running Time: 129 minutes
Number Of Items: 1
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Shipping Weight (lbs): 0.2
Dimensions (in): 7.5 x 5.4 x 0.5
ISBN: 1586555286
UPC: 631595031782
EAN: 0631595031782
Release Date: November 18, 2003
Theatrical Release Date: November 30, 2000
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
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Customer Reviews: Read 100 more reviews...
  ARE YOU BLIND???? June 7, 2006
A lot of people say that the cut R-Rated edition has better picture quality. Oh bullsh**! The unrated Tokyoshock has ebtter picture. The R-Rated version is so dark and grainy and terrible you can't se a thing. SO buy the unrated version instead of the R rated version.
  gold all the way May 29, 2006
0 out of 1 found this review helpful
this movie was perfect perfect perfect. the characters were great the story was fantastic the conflits amazing and the twists WOW. One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Best Miike!!
  Not what I expected April 29, 2006
0 out of 4 found this review helpful
Im glad I didnt waste money on buying this. I caught it on t.v. If you like gore then its fine. If you like hardcore violence that fine too. It was kind of hard to follow because of the subtitles, but it was a good movie that didnt have a good plot. It had plenty of violence, kick ass special effects and alot of sexual violence. It leads you in so many directions at once that you will get confused. I am a gore hound, so I enjoyed it, except the fact it didnt have a plot at all. If your into all the stuff that I have told you about..then maybe you would like it.
  Hypnotism in brutality; 4.4 April 10, 2006
3 out of 5 found this review helpful
Ichi the Killer is a movie I've wanted to see for quite a while, due to its notoriety alone. After seeing it, I can safely say the reputation its gorier scenes garnered exceeds the horror of the subject matter. Regardless, this movie stands as a brutal exploration-- Or perhaps exploitation of the human mind's darker elements, each scene unapologetically soaked with bile and reproductive fluid. Not to say Ichi the Killer doesn't hold its severed tongue in its cheek from time to time, but this isn't for the weak-stomached, obviously. The story in short, revolves around a yakuza gang led by a cryptic masochist named Kakihara. After being let go by his higher-ups, Kakihara seeks the elusive murderer Ichi the Killer to avenge his boss, Anjo, who is M.I.A. Why? Because Kakihara misses the beatings administered by Anjo. The viewer is given a short glimpse of Ichi's carnage from the start; a room splattered with entrails, the ceilings streaked with blood. This denotes the work of an inhuman killer, but in reality, Ichi is a mentally unstable and childlike figure brainwashed by Jiji, a man who has a vendetta against the former Anjo gang. Intricate character relations form like spiderwebs, driving through the gore-ridden scenes to reach a strangely subversive, yet satisfying climax.
Despite the overtly flamboyant characters, Ichi the Killer maintains an impressively bleak atmosphere, heavily pronouncing the brutality of the extreme comic violence. If you can't stand scenes of torture, stay away from this one. Despite his goofy appearance, Kakihara is one of the most psychotic movie antiheros I've seen in some time, emphasized by the suave and collected delivery of Tadanobu Asano. His S & M scene half-way through the film, in which he utters "there is no love in your violence," is rather disturbing on many levels. I don't think I'll ever forget the scene where Kakihara removes the pins that keep his mouth normal-sized, (due to the slits in his cheeks) and some fool gets the idea to punch him. Back to the subject of ridiculous imagery, Ichi is adorned with some sort of seinen/superhero attire, equiped with only small razors on his heels. Nao Omori's performance is impeccable, capturing the boyish innocence in Ichi's sick acts of depravity with ease. The violence and gore is highly exaggerated, with necks spurting like water fountains and entrails flying across rooms. What may be more uncomfortable for viewers however, are various brutal rape scenes. They aren't too graphic in comparison to some other controversial movies I've seen, but the sexual violence seems very realistic and unsettling.
The movie's not without its flaws, though. Ichi the Killer is often excessively indulgent, and I guess it's arguable as to whether or not that's a problem. It portrays extreme violence, a physical perversion of the body, as the norm; often getting lost in its own idea. As for stupid goofs, there is a scene where you can actually see the tube that pumps fake blood out of a guy's throat. Also, near the end when a certain character takes one of Ichi's foot blades in his forehead, the wound disappears when he hits the ground. Small oversights like that don't really add up to much in the end, though.
Well, that's it. You may love it, you may hate it, but this visceral exercize in style isn't one you will forget any time soon if you see it.
- Thus says Pellington the Killer
  Disturbing yet suprisingly enjoyable March 25, 2006
2 out of 2 found this review helpful
Takashi Miike films are usually disturbing films. So if people are weak of stomach, they best not apply when watching Ichi the Killer. After watching another Miike film, Audition, I thought that was as disturbing as it got. However, Ichi the Killer proved me wrong, way wrong by hundreds of miles. I have not seen a gorier film in my life. And not only is it gory, but it will get to you and make you cringe at least a couple of times, even for the most hardcore gore or horror fanatic.
While the movie is called "Ichi the Killer" it hardly centers on the character of Ichi at all. Instead, the movie focuses heavily on Kakihara, played wonderfully by Tadanobu Asano. Kakihara is a sadomasochistic gangster, and quite the cool one to boot. His style, his panache, his cockiness and his utterly mundane ways of torturing people all add to his overall personality and somehow give him a likeable persona that make his sadistic personality somehow amazingly cool. The other characters also do a great job, especially Karen, played by Paulyn Sun, was enjoyable to watch for her flirty antics mixed with her inner bizareness was quite the complement to the overly bizarre Kakihara and the overly discreet Ichi. The only real problem with Karen was her strange mixing of english and Japanese, for it didn't make much sense and always seemed to be more random than anything.
One of the amazing aspects of this movie is the gore, and all of it is pretty much done with computer graphics. Now, being not a big fan of cgi technology in movies (usually it makes the movie look more corny than realistic in my opinion), Miike does a splendid job in making some parts seem real in order to display the brutalness of the violence, and extremely corny in order to display the humor of the violence. Knowing that a lot of Miike's violence in this movie is to have a humorous effect, it made me condone the use of cgi and also allowed me to enjoy this movie even more. After all, i busted up laughing amazingly when Ichi cut this one guy in half. It looked absolutely hilarious, which was Miike's purpose.
This movie, despite all its disturbing images and violence, is a black humor movie. And if one has an open mind to this kind of thing, it can be rather enjoyable. However, people will dismiss this as nothing more than just a gorefest, and its understandable because the plot is rather thin, even if there is some subtle subplots mixed in the whole scheme of things. However, this movie is not a serious gangster movie. It's a black comedy, one that rivals the best Quentin Tarantino films. Yet viewers must be warned. In order to get the full experience from Ichi the Killer, one needs to watch the uncut version. The rated R version cuts so much stuff, that it takes away what Miike is trying to portray. So suck it up and spend a little bit more on this masterpiece of gore and humor, because if one has an open mind, it is guarenteed they'll be satisfied and will have grown a little more tolerance to blood and gore in movies.
Copyright Runningonkarma.com 2006